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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

4 Tips for Accurately Measuring Your Multichannel Marketing Campaign


For marketers, engaging consumers just keeps getting more complicated. The average American uses more than 10 connected household devices[i] and pays for three streaming services.[ii] Globally, the average consumer interacts with more than eight social media accounts[iii] and has around two email accounts.[iv]

That makes it very difficult for today’s marketers to measure what’s actually causing customers to engage and/or buy. Fortunately, one tool can help marketers accurately calculate conversions across channels. It’s called an identity graph.....

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Increase in marketing efforts combine direct mail and digital audiences

 As the world around us is starting to awaken from the pandemic, so too is the level of marketing we are seeing at our clients. We are seeing increases with our clients on both our direct mail and digital audience activities. Interestingly enough, we are also seeing an increase in combined direct mail and digital marketing campaigns. On our Nonprofit side, we are seeing more than twice the number of multi-channel campaigns than we have in either of the last two years. So, what is driving this interest? Multi-channel or omnichannel marketing has always been one of those often discussed but has yet to catch fire ideas. While we cannot offer a definitive answer, we can certainly provide some insight and guidance behind the recent increase in efforts....


Saturday, June 26, 2021

AD AGE >>> Opinion: What today's marketers can learn from the direct mail era

Yet, despite instant access to an enormous amount of data, many marketers have lost sight of what it actually means to truly "test and learn." Too many brands merely pay lip service to the idea. I spent a good part of my career in the direct mail world where testing and learning was everything....
